Bookeen ha presentato una nuova versione del proprio ebook reader Cybook Opus denominata Cybook Opus Color.
Eh si, per un attimo ho pensato (e sperato) si trattasse di un e-ink a colori e invece il termine “Color” si riferisce al fatto che lo si potrà scegliere con una scocca colorata in ben 7 differenti colori: argento, giallo, verde, arancione, rosso, rosa, blu e nero.
Sarà per la prossima volta 🙂
In realtà l’Opus Color ha una nuova versione, migliorata e più veloce, del software “Boo”, l’applicazione che ci consente di vedere e sfogliare i libri digitali. E’ stata migliorata la velocità del cambio pagina, quella di accensione così da avere il lettore operativo dopo pochi secondi e la durata della batteria che è ora di 15 giorni o 8500 cambio pagina.
Le altre caratteristiche tecniche rimangono uguali a quelle dell’attuale Opus: display E-Ink da 5 pollici con risoluzione 600×800, memoria RAM da 1 Gbyte espandibile tramite slot microSD. La scheda dettagliata è qui sul comparatore.
Scende il prezzo che ora è di 199 dollari (150 euro al cambio attuale) escluse tasse abbassato rispetto ai 215 dollari dell’Opus.
Qui sotto il comunicato stampa della Bookeen :
On May 7, Cybook OPUS comes in 7 new colours with upgraded features, for the ultimate in eBook reader democratization!
Lovers of literature had already adopted Cybook Opus’ dimensions, ergonomics, featherweight 150 grams and extensive battery life. But now, after consulting with users all over the world, Bookeen has further revised its reader’s looks and performance to better address the needs of a wider, more demanding audience. Digital reading is a newfound pleasure and freedom: carry all of your documents and read them anywhere, with greater comfort, without worrying about battery life. The truly pocketable library that follows you everywhere is now available in seven new trendy colours and with enhanced features.
Bookeen’s Cybook Opus is now definitely the best eBook Reader of its kind: thanks to the very latest E-Ink electronic ink technology, its screen offers the most comfortable reading experience, comparable to paper. Cybook Opus can be read in all conditions: indoors or in direct sunlight – unlike multimedia pads which, like backlit Swiss army knives, can’t stand the light of day and last for hours rather than weeks…
With its new Boo Reader software, battery life is further enhanced. And now, thanks to instant-reading technology, you don’t even need to wait 15 seconds to start up the device: “I press, I read, it’s instant… it’s a book!” Cybook Opus suits anyone’s eyesight and tastes: with 12 font sizes (Bookeen is the only brand with such an extensive choice), 4 levels of greyscale and even a choice of different font styles. It is also fitted with an accelerometer, to automatically switch from landscape to portrait, or just to change hands.
This truly portable library can carry up to 1000 titles – and now even 8000 titles more with an optional microSD card. It offers more than 15 days battery life on a single charge – or once every 8500 pages viewed. Its ultra-fast chip allows fast page turning and menu navigation.
And as it’s compatible with most major online booksellers, Cybook Opus, renowned for its ease of use, can be enriched with millions of classics or recent bestsellers in a couple of clicks.
On May 7, the new-look, enriched-feature Cybook Opus will come in 7 colours: black, silver, blue, red, pink, green and orange.
Recommended retail price: 199 € tax-inclusive (includes 150 free titles).
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